Apica Synthetic Monitoring Api
Route does not exist!
Documentation for the routes in Apica Synthetic Monitoring API.

Support: support@apica.io
+1 (310) 776-7540
+46 (8) 400 273 27


Method Route Description
GET /checks/{checkId}/config Gets configuration of a check. Supported check types: DAC, URLv2 and Chrome Browser Checks.
GET /checks/config?checktype={checktype} Gets configuration of all checks. Supported check types: DAC, URLv2 and Chrome Browser Checks.
GET /checks?enabled={enabled}&severity={severity}&include_tag_op={include_tag_op} Gets a list of checks that are visible to you as a user or a customer depending on the request context. The result can be filtered by optional parameters.
POST /checks Gets a list of checks that are visible to you as a user or a customer depending on the request context.
GET /checks/{checkId} Gets info about a check, current SLA, last result and its status.
PUT /checks/{checkId} Updates a check.
DELETE /checks/{checkId} Deletes a check.
POST /checks/url-v2 Creates a new URL check (version 2).
POST /checks/browser Creates a new browser check.
POST /checks/desktopapp Creates a new Desktop App check.
POST /checks/proxysniffer Creates a new ZebraTester check.
POST /checks/command-v2 Creates a new Command check (version 2).
POST /checks/port Creates a new Port check.
POST /checks/ping Creates a new Ping check.
PUT /checks/command-v2/{checkId} Updates a command check (version 2).
PUT /checks/url-v2/{checkId} Updates a URL check (version 2).
PUT /checks/browser/{checkId} Updates a browser check.
PUT /checks/desktopapp/{checkId} Updates a Desktop App check.
PUT /checks/proxysniffer/{checkId} Updates a ZebraTester check.
PUT /checks/port/{checkId} Updates a Port check.
PUT /checks/ping/{checkId} Updates a Ping check.
GET /checks/metadata?enabled={enabled}&severity={severity}&include_tag_op={include_tag_op} Gets the list of metadata for all the checks that are visible to you as a user or a customer depending on the request context. The result can be filtered by optional parameters.
GET /checks/{checkId}/metadata Gets a check's metadata


Method Route Description
GET /checks/{checkId}/lastvalue Gets the absolute last value of a specific check.


Method Route Description
GET /checks/command-v2/categories Gets a list of all command check (version 2) categories that are available for you as customer.


Method Route Description
GET /checks/browser/locations Gets a list of all locations that are available for browser checks.
GET /checks/url-v2/locations Gets a list of all locations that are available for URL (version 2) checks.
GET /checks/proxysniffer/locations Gets a list of all locations that are available for ZebraTester checks.
GET /checks/command-v2/locations?protocol={protocol} Gets a list of all locations that are available for Command checks (version 2).
GET /checks/port/locations Gets a list of all locations that are available for Port checks.
GET /checks/ping/locations Gets a list of all locations that are available for Ping checks.
GET /checks/desktopapp/locations Gets a list of all locations that are available for Desktop App checks.


Method Route Description
GET /checks/{checkId}/sla?fromUtc={fromUtc}&toUtc={toUtc}&fromMillisecondsUtc={fromMillisecondsUtc}&toMillisecondsUtc={toMillisecondsUtc} Get check SLA between two dates.
GET /checks/{checkId}/results/{millisecondsUtc}?detail_level={detail_level} Gets a specific check result by a numeric java timestamp.
GET /checks/{checkId}/results?mostrecent={mostrecent}&detail_level={detail_level} Gets the most recent check results.
GET /checks/{checkId}/results?fromUtc={fromUtc}&toUtc={toUtc}&detail_level={detail_level}&fromMillisecondsUtc={fromMillisecondsUtc}&toMillisecondsUtc={toMillisecondsUtc} Gets check results between two dates.
GET /checks/results?mostrecent={mostrecent}&detail_level={detail_level}&include_tag_op={include_tag_op} Gets the most recent checks results.
GET /checks/results?fromUtc={fromUtc}&toUtc={toUtc}&detail_level={detail_level}&fromMillisecondsUtc={fromMillisecondsUtc}&toMillisecondsUtc={toMillisecondsUtc}&include_tag_op={include_tag_op} Gets check results between two dates.
GET /checks/proxysniffer/{checkId}/results/{resultId}/urldata?format={format} Gets a file that contains ZebraTester check result data.
POST /checks/proxysniffer/{checkId}/results/urldata Gets ZebraTester check results in json format by result ids.
GET /checks/proxysniffer/{checkId}/results/{resultId}/errorlog Gets an error log of the given ZebraTester check result.
GET /checks/browser/{checkId}/results/{resultId}/urldata?format={format} Gets a file that contains browser check result data.
GET /checks/browser/{checkId}/results/{resultId}/screenshots Gets information about screenshots for a browser check result.
GET /checks/browser/{checkId}/results/{resultId}/screenshots/{screenshotId} Gets information about a single screenshot for a browser check result.
GET /checks/browser/{checkId}/results/{resultId}/screenshots/{screenshotId}/file Gets a file with the screenshot for a browser check result.
GET /checks/desktopapp/{checkId}/results/{resultId}/screenshots/{screenshotId}/file Gets a file with the screenshot for a Desktop App check result.
POST /checks/browser/{checkId}/results/urldata Gets browser check results in json format by result ids.
GET /checks/browser/{checkId}/results/{resultId}/stepdata?format={format} Gets a file that contains browser check result data by step.
POST /checks/browser/{checkId}/results/stepdata Gets browser check results by step in json format by result ids.
POST /checks/browser/{checkId}/results Gets browser check results in json format.
POST /checks/url-v2/{checkId}/results Gets URL check (version 2) results in json format.
POST /checks/desktopapp/{checkId}/results Get Desktop App check results in json format.
GET /checks/generic/{checkId}/results/{resultId} Gets a json that contains generic check result data.
POST /checks/generic/{checkId}/results Gets generic check results in json format.
POST /checks/composite_result Get a business composite check result that is an amalgamation of the most recent data from multiple checks.
POST /checks/composite_uptime Get a business composite check result that is an amalgamation of the last 24 hours from multiple checks.


Method Route Description
GET /checks/{checkId}/job DEPRECATED. Gets the current job status for a check.
POST /checks/{checkId}/job Executes a check.


Method Route Description
GET /checks/{checkId}/aggregated?mostrecent={mostrecent}&detail_level={detail_level}&include_step_metrics={include_step_metrics}&scope={scope}&forceEmptyRecords={forceEmptyRecords} For a specific check - gets aggregated data and SLA for the most recent periods in a scope.
GET /checks/{checkId}/aggregated?fromUtc={fromUtc}&toUtc={toUtc}&detail_level={detail_level}&include_step_metrics={include_step_metrics}&scope={scope}&forceEmptyRecords={forceEmptyRecords} For a specific check - gets aggregated data and SLA between two dates.
GET /checks/aggregated?mostrecent={mostrecent}&detail_level={detail_level}&scope={scope}&forceEmptyRecords={forceEmptyRecords}&include_tag_op={include_tag_op} Gets aggregated data and SLA for the most recent periods in a scope. Note: Only the checks visible to the user will be retrieved.
GET /checks/aggregated?fromUtc={fromUtc}&toUtc={toUtc}&detail_level={detail_level}&scope={scope}&forceEmptyRecords={forceEmptyRecords}&include_tag_op={include_tag_op} Gets aggregated data and SLA between two dates. Note: Only data for checks visible to the user will be retrieved.


Method Route Description
GET /groups Gets a hierarchy of all monitor groups that are visible to you as a user or a customer depending on the request context.
GET /groups/{groupId} Gets monitor group.
POST /groups Creates a new monitor group.
PUT /groups/{groupId} Updates a monitor group.
DELETE /groups/{groupId} Deletes a monitor group by Id.


Method Route Description
GET /groups/{groupId}/checks Gets a list of checks assigned to the monitor group.
POST /groups/{groupId}/checks Assigns checks to the monitor group.
DELETE /groups/{groupId}/checks Unassigns checks from the monitor group.


Method Route Description
GET /groups/{groupId}/users Gets a list of users assigned to the monitor group.
POST /groups/{groupId}/users Assigns users to the monitor group.
DELETE /groups/{groupId}/users Unassign users from the monitor group.


Method Route Description
GET /alerts?check_id={check_id}&severity={severity}&enabled={enabled}&target_type={target_type}&target_id={target_id} Gets alerts matching the provided parameters. Note: all parameters are optional. Only alerts with the following targets are available: SMS, email and webhook.
GET /alerts/{alert_id} Gets the alert matching the provided id. Available targets: SMS, email and webhook.
PUT /alerts/{alert_id} Updates the alert matching the provided alert_id.
DELETE /alerts/{alert_id} Deletes the alert matching the provided alert_id.
POST /alerts/{alert_type} Creates a new alert of the provided alert_type.
GET /alerts/recipients Gets the list of all alert recipients visible to the customer. Available targets: SMS, email and webhook.
GET /alerts/recipients/{recipient_id} Gets a information about the alert recipient matching the provided recipient_id. Available targets: SMS, email and webhook.
PUT /alerts/recipient/{recipient_id} Updates the recipient (and associated SMS/email targets) matching the recipient_id.
POST /alerts/recipient Creates a new recipient with two targets: one SMS and one email.
GET /alerts/targets Gets the list of all alert targets visible to the customer. Available targets: SMS, email and webhook.
GET /alerts/target_groups Gets the list of all alert target groups visible to the customer.
POST /alerts/target_group Creates a new target group.
PUT /alerts/target_group/{group_id} Add/remove targets to/from the target group.
DELETE /alerts/target_group/delete/{group_id} Deletes the target group.
GET /alerts/target_groups/{group_id} Gets a information about target group.


Method Route Description
GET /users/{user_guid} Returns customer's user by user GUID.
GET /users Returns all customer's users.
POST /users Creates a new user.
PUT /users Updates a user.
DELETE /users/{user_guid} Deletes a user.


Method Route Description
GET /roles Return user roles


Method Route Description
GET /customers/{customerId} Returns subcustomer by subcustomer's ID.
POST /customers Creates customer.
PUT /customers/{customerId}/subscription Updates customer's subscription.


Method Route Description
GET /events?message={message}&severity={severity}&check_id={check_id}&timestamp_utc_from={timestamp_utc_from}&timestamp_utc_to={timestamp_utc_to}&milliseconds_utc_from={milliseconds_utc_from}&milliseconds_utc_to={milliseconds_utc_to}&include_tag_op={include_tag_op} Gets a list of events for the current user.


Method Route Description
POST /custom_events Creates new custom event.
GET /custom_events/all?checkId={checkId}&fromUtc={fromUtc}&toUtc={toUtc}&fromMillisecondsUtc={fromMillisecondsUtc}&toMillisecondsUtc={toMillisecondsUtc}&include_tag_op={include_tag_op} Gets all custom events using optional filter.
GET /custom_events/{id} Gets custom event by Id.
PUT /custom_events/{id} Updates custom event.
DELETE /custom_events/{id} Deletes custom event.


Method Route Description
POST /scenarios/proxysniffer/dictionaries Adds ZebraTester scenario custom dictionary.
GET /scenarios/proxysniffer/dictionaries/{dictionary_key} Gets a ZebraTester scenario custom dictionary by dictionary key. Custom dictionary can contain any data used by Proxy Sniffer scripts which needs to be stored separately from scripts.
PUT /scenarios/proxysniffer/dictionaries/{dictionary_key} Updates ZebraTester scenario custom dictionary.
DELETE /scenarios/proxysniffer/dictionaries/{dictionary_key} Delete a Proxy Sniffer scenario custom dictionary by dictionary key.
GET /scenarios/proxysniffer/dictionaries?customer_context={customer_context} Gets all ZebraTester scenario custom dictionaries by customer context(0 or 1). If customer_context is 0, User's dictionary list will be returned else in case of 1 only Admins can see list of dictionary belongs to customer.


Method Route Description
GET /messages?active={active}&customerId={customerId} Gets a list of UI messages. UI messages are used for user notifications on announcements/information/warnings.
POST /messages Creates an UI message.
GET /messages/{id} Gets an existing UI message by Id.
PUT /messages/{id} Updates an existing UI message.
DELETE /messages/{id} Deletes an existing UI message.


Method Route Description
GET /scenarios/browser/{scenario_id}?include_associated_check_ids={include_associated_check_ids} Gets info about a browser scenario.
PUT /scenarios/browser/{scenario_id} Updates a new browser scenario.
DELETE /scenarios/browser/{scenario_id} Deletes a browser scenario.
POST /scenarios/browser Gets a list of all browser scenarios that are visible to you as an administrator of the customer checks.
PUT /scenarios/browser Creates a new browser scenario.
GET /scenarios/browser/{scenario_id}/file Gets a file of a browser scenario.
POST /scenarios/browser/{scenario_id}/checks Associates checks with the browser scenario.
DELETE /scenarios/browser/{scenario_id}/checks Unassociates checks with the browser scenario.


Method Route Description
GET /scenarios/zebratester/{scenario_id}?include_associated_check_ids={include_associated_check_ids} Gets info about a ZebraTester scenario.
PUT /scenarios/zebratester/{scenario_id} Updates and/or recompile ZebraTester scenario.
DELETE /scenarios/zebratester/{scenario_id} Deletes a ZebraTester scenario.
POST /scenarios/zebratester Gets a list of all ZebraTester scenarios that are visible to you as an administrator of the customer checks.
PUT /scenarios/zebratester Creates a new ZebraTester scenario.
POST /scenarios/zebratester/versions Gets a list of all available ZebraTester compiler versions.
GET /scenarios/zebratester/{scenario_id}/file Gets a file of a ZebraTester scenario.
POST /scenarios/zebratester/{scenario_id}/checks Associates checks with the ZebraTester scenario.


Method Route Description
GET /scenarios/desktopapp/{scenario_id}?include_associated_check_ids={include_associated_check_ids} Gets info about a Dektop App check scenario.
PUT /scenarios/desktopapp/{scenario_id} Updates Desktop App check scenario.
DELETE /scenarios/desktopapp/{scenario_id} Deletes a Desktop App check scenario.
POST /scenarios/desktopapp Gets a list of all Desktop App check scenarios that are visible to you as an administrator of the customer checks.
PUT /scenarios/desktopapp Creates a new Desktop App check scenario.
GET /scenarios/desktopapp/{scenario_id}/file Gets a file of a Desktop App check scenario.


Method Route Description
GET /scenarios/browser/job?agent_type={agent_type}&agent_id={agent_id}&agent_url={agent_url}&job_id={job_id} Gets a scenario result.
POST /scenarios/browser/job Starts a scenario.


Method Route Description
GET /tags Get customer tags.
POST /tags Add customer tags.
DELETE /tags Delete customer tags.
PUT /tags/keys Add customer tags values.
DELETE /tags/keys Delete customer tags values.
PUT /tags/{key}?by_id={by_id} Edit customer tag.
PUT /tags/{key}/{value}?by_id={by_id} Edit customer tag value.
POST /checks/tags?mode={mode} Associates checks with tag values.
DELETE /checks/tags Removes association between checks and tag values.


Method Route Description
POST /tickets/reset Resets the current user authentication ticket.


Method Route Description
GET /repository_profiles Gets the repository profiles.
POST /repository_profiles Adds the repository profile.
GET /repository_profiles/{id} Gets the repository profile.
PUT /repository_profiles/{id} Updates the repository profile.
DELETE /repository_profiles/{id} Deletes the repository profile.


Method Route Description
GET /sso/groups Gets the list of all SSO groups visible to the customer.
POST /sso/group/create Creates a new SSO group.
POST /sso/group/edit Updates the SSO group matching the group.
DELETE /sso/group/delete/{groupName} Deletes the SSO group matching the provided groupName.